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Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research



Aims and Scope

To enable policy making and healthcare systems research in the Kingdom

The Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research is a peer-reviewed, Open Access online journal dedicated to healthcare management. It is the official publication of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ´s Ministry of Health and the Ministry’s voice to the global scientific community. The journal fosters an environment of research excellence to elevate scientific research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This journal welcomes papers that cover research, trends, and techniques covering the following topics:

  • Health systems and administration
  • Healthcare law, policies, quality assurance, and ethics
  • Healthcare financial sustainability and economics
  • Healthcare resource planning and management
  • Patient advocacy and safety
  • Digital health


Manuscripts on these topics can be submitted in the form of original research articles, case studies and reports, review articles, systematic reviews, guidelines and brief reports. In this forum, clinicians and researchers can communicate their findings to a broader scientific community and contribute to the development of public health and well-being.

Bibliographic Details

Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research
Journal Abbreviation: Saudi J Health Syst Res
e-ISSN: 2673-6136 (Online)
DOI: 10.1159/issn.2673-6136

Open Access

Open Access since 2021


Listed in bibliographic services, including:

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
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