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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Research Articles October 9 2023
Three-Dimensional Graphene Promotes the Proliferation of Cholinergic Neurons
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Review Articles September 13 2023
Life of the B10 Mouse: A View from the Hair Follicles and Tissue Stem Cells
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles August 16 2023
Momordica charantia Enhances Tendon Healing in Rats: An Experimental Study
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles July 31 2023
Mild Synovitis Impairs Chondrogenic Joint Environment
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles July 28 2023
Protective Effect of Vaccinium myrtillus Extract on X-Ray Irradiation-Induced Retinal Toxicity via eNOS and 8-OHdG expression
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles June 20 2023
The Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Abdominal Aortic Occlusion-Induced Ovarian Injury via Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles May 22 2023
Osteoclastogenesis Requires Primary Cilia Disassembly and Can Be Inhibited by Promoting Primary Cilia Formation Pharmacologically
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles April 27 2023
Expression of Toll-Like Receptors in the Lung Tissue of Mouse Fetuses Generated by in vitro Embryo Culture and Embryo Transfer
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Review Articles April 18 2023
Developing Fibrous Biomaterials to Modulate Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles April 12 2023
Emergence of Spatial Scales and Macroscopic Tissue Dynamics in Active Epithelial Monolayers
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles March 24 2023
A Tunable Calcium Phosphate Coating to Drive in vivo Osseointegration of Composite Engineered Tissues
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Retractions March 10 2023
Retraction Statement: Paper by Xiying Cao, Liang Gu, Zuxiong Zhang, Weixiang Zhong, Shaoming Guo, and Chunfa Xie entitled “miR-181a-5p restrains non-small cell lung cancer cell invasion and migration by regulating the GTSE1/p53/NF-κB axis” [Cells Tissues Organs 2022, DOI: 10.1159/000525432]
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles March 3 2023
Differentiation of Myoblasts in Culture: Focus on Serum and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles February 9 2023
Coupled Mutual Inhibition and Mutual Activation Motifs as Tools for Cell-Fate Control
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles February 2 2023
Different Effects of Sugars and Methods to Preserve Post-Thaw Functional Properties of Cryopreserved Caprine Spermatogonial Stem Cells
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Review Articles January 30 2023
Give Them Vasculature and Immune Cells: How to Fill the Gap of Organoids
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles January 4 2023
Glycoconjugate-Specific Developmental Changes in the Horse Vomeronasal Organ
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Review Articles January 4 2023
Using Optogenetics to Investigate the Shared Mechanisms of Apical-Basal Polarity and Mitosis
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Review Articles January 4 2023
Adoptive Immunotherapy: A Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Perspective
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles December 12 2022
Nuclear Biophysical Changes during Human Melanoma Plasticity
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles December 1 2022
Prediction of Golgi Polarity in Collectively Migrating Epithelial Cells Using Graph Neural Network
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles November 14 2022
Protocol-Dependent Morphological Changes in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Aggregates during Differentiation toward Early Pancreatic Fate
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles October 31 2022
On the Variability in Cell and Nucleus Shapes
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles October 21 2022
MicroRNA-133a-3p Inhibits Lung Adenocarcinoma Development and Cisplatin Resistance through Targeting GINS4
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles October 19 2022
Umbilical Cord Blood Cell Clearance Post-Infusion in Immune-Competent Children with Cerebral Palsy
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles October 19 2022
Assessing Combinatorial Diversity of Aureochrome Basic Leucine Zippers through Genome-Wide Screening
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Systematic Review September 28 2022
Organoids in the Clinic: A Systematic Review of Outcomes
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles September 28 2022
Hepatocyte Growth Factor Promotes Differentiation Potential and Stress Response of Human Stem Cells from Apical Papilla
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles September 14 2022
Altered Expression of Pulmonary Epithelial Cell Markers in Fetal and Adult Mice Generated by in vitro Embryo Culture and Embryo Transfer
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles September 1 2022
Artificial Microvesicles: New Perspective on Healing Tendon Wounds
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles August 26 2022
Apoptosis-Decellularized Peripheral Nerve Scaffold Allows Regeneration across Nerve Gap
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles August 15 2022
A Multistep Tumor Growth Model of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma Identifies Hypoxia-Associated Signatures
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles July 29 2022
Effect of Cell-Derived Matrices on Growth and Differentiation of Human Wharton’s Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles July 28 2022
Aneuploidy Rate and Stemness in Low-Level Mosaic Human Embryonic Stem Cells in the Presence/Absence of Bortezomib, Paclitaxel, and Lapatinib
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Systematic Review July 22 2022
Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Secretome for Therapeutic Application in Skin Wound Healing: A Systematic Review of Preclinical Studies
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Review Articles July 1 2022
Strategies and Challenges in the Treatment of Dental Enamel
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles June 17 2022
miR-107 Attenuates Sepsis-Induced Myocardial Injury by Targeting PTEN and Activating the PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles May 31 2022
Ionic Detergent Under Pressure-Vacuum as an Innovative Strategy to Generate Canine Tracheal Scaffold for Organ Engineering
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)

Early View

Research Articles October 30 2023
Potential Contribution of Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 to the Binding of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein to Mouse Nasal Mucosa
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles September 26 2023
Effects of cell-adhesive ligand presentation on pentapeptide supramolecular assembly and gelation: Simulations and Experiments
Cells Tissues Organs (2023)
Research Articles June 28 2022
Circ_0062582 promotes osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vitro by elevating SMAD5 expression through sponging miR-197-3p
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
Research Articles June 14 2022
Retracted Paper - REJECTED ---- miR-181a-5p restrains non-small cell lung cancer cell invasion and migration by regulating the GTSE1/p53/NF-κB axis
Cells Tissues Organs (2022)
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