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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Research Articles November 2 2023
Validation of the Norwegian Version of the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ)
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles October 20 2023
Vertebrobasilar System Laterality and Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles October 11 2023
Questioning the Impact of Vestibular Rehabilitation in Mal de Debarquement Syndrome
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Review Articles September 13 2023
COVID-19 and Vestibular Symptoms and Assessment: A Review
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles September 8 2023
The Impact of Patient Factors on Objective Cochlear Implant Verification Using Acoustic Cortical Auditory-Evoked Potentials
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles August 22 2023
Mefloquine-Induced Inner Ear Damage and Preventive Effects of Electrical Stimulation: An Electrophysiological Study
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles August 16 2023
The Effect of Hemodialysis on Spectral and Temporal Processing Abilities and Speech Perception in Noise among Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Brief Reports August 11 2023
Low-Frequency Audiometric Notch and Vascular Risk in Age-Related Hearing Loss: Low-frequency audiometric notch and vascular risk in age-related hearing loss
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles August 11 2023
Course of Duration and Trigger Factors of Vertigo Attacks in Patients with Benign Recurrent Vertigo, Menière’s Disease, or Vestibular Migraine
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Brief Reports August 9 2023
Hearing, Language, and General School Performance in Children with Cleft Lip/Palate Waiting for Alveolar and Hard Palate Reconstruction at the Age of Mixed Dentition
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Systematic Review August 9 2023
Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease, and Subsequent Risk of Stroke in Patients with Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of the Current Literature
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Systematic Review August 9 2023
Balance Control in Individuals with Hearing Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles July 21 2023
Comparison of Two Place-Based Mapping Procedures on Masked Sentence Recognition as a Function of Electrode Array Angular Insertion Depth and Presence of Acoustic Low-Frequency Information: A Simulation Study
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles July 4 2023
Auditory and Vestibular Findings in Brazilian Adults Affected by COVID-19: An Exploratory Study
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles June 28 2023
Tetramethylpyrazine Attenuates Radiation-Induced Ototoxicity in a Rat Model
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles June 21 2023
The Impact of Surgical Expertise on the Cost-Effectiveness of Stapes Surgery
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles June 16 2023
Use of Some Relevant Parameters for Primary Prediction of Brain Activity in Idiopathic Tinnitus Based on a Machine Learning Application
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Review Articles June 16 2023
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in TMPRSS3 (DFNB10/DFNB8) with Emphasis on Natural History
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles June 14 2023
Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation Using FLEX26 Electrode: Audiological Results and Quality of Life after 12 Months
Audiol Neurotol (2023)
Research Articles May 9 2023
Evaluation of Auditory Temporal Discrimination Thresholds in Migraine Patients
Audiol Neurotol (2023)

Early View

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