Dental Medicine
Karger publications in dental medicine are always cutting edge research. Our flagships include a long-standing book series and a well established journal:
For over three decades, Monographs in Oral Science has provided a source of in-depth discussion of selected topics in the sciences related to stomatology. Senior investigators are invited to present expanded contributions in their fields of special expertise.
The topics chosen are those which have generated a long-standing interest, and on which new conceptual insights or innovative biotechnology are making considerable impact. Authors are selected on the basis of having made lasting contributions to their chosen field and their willingness to share their findings with others.
Caries Research publishes epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies in dental caries, fluorosis, erosion and related dental diseases. Some studies build on the considerable advances already made in caries prevention, e.g. through fluoride application. Some aim to improve understanding of the increasingly important problem of dental erosion and the associated tooth wear process. Others monitor the changing pattern of caries in different populations, explore improved methods of diagnosis or evaluate methods of prevention or treatment. Studies using genetic methods to identify human genes or mutations associated with caries prevalence are welcome as are manuscripts using modern high-throughput sequencing methods to characterise microbial biofilms associated with oral health and active caries. The broad coverage of innovative research into dental caries is unique and has given the journal an outstanding international reputation as an indispensable source for both basic scientists and clinicians engaged in understanding, investigating and preventing dental diseases.
If you want your research results to reach the right audience, you should choose our journal which has an international readership and receives worldwide attention. So why not submit your paper to Caries Research? You will benefit from a fast and fair peer-review process, highly trained copy editors, a professional article layout and fast online publication.
Book Series
Monographs in Oral ScienceJournals
Caries Research