Healthcare Professionals
Based on scientific findings - creating a gateway between research and medical practice.
Less Searching. More Caring.
Find the latest scientific research in the medical field in a clear, digestible format that allows you to find the answers you need fast and efficiently. These offers are designed to complement your expertise as a health expert by providing extra support where and when you need it.
Get the information you need in the way you want to get it, from academic reviews you can use for research and reference, to podcasts that you can listen to throughout your busy day. For example, our Facts Handbook Series addresses specific concerns on critical topics, while our e-learning Courses and Podcasts assist you in expanding knowledge in the field at your own pace. No matter what your challenge may be, you can access reliable, up-to-date information.
As healthcare professionals that must prioritize their time carefully, traditional, long-form texts may not be ideal. Conversely, these resources are designed to save you time, including at-a-glance aids such as infographics and bullet points that provide you with important highlights.
Your Resources
Kompass Journals
Fast Facts Handbook Series
Infographic Summary Sheets
E-Learning Courses
Timeliness and attention to detail
I collaborated with Karger on an electronic publication and course: ‘Fast Facts — Ulcerative colitis’.
The book is available worldwide and I expect it to be an invaluable resource to general gastroenterologists, fellows in gastrointestinal training, and allied healthcare professionals looking after people with ulcerative colitis.
Working with Karger, especially with Dr. Mathisen, a medical writer, has been a pleasure and a privilege. The professionalism, timeliness, and attention to detail have been exemplary.Prof. Jimmy K Limdi MBBS FRCP FACG AGAF, Consultant Gastroenterologist & Head (IBD Section), Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, University of Manchester, UK
Open to developing new ideas
Karger helped us develop a patient information booklet on menopause and an eLearning package for general practitioners, “Managing the Menopause in Primary Care”, which is a helpful quick-update resource about menopause management. The development of the resource was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Theramex, and the materials are available through various outlets (Karger Courses, Theramex menopause hub, Amazon).
We had a very supportive working relationship with the Karger team. They were responsive, accessible, and open to developing new ideas. The help of a medical writer made it a lot easier for me to write an understandable patient information booklet, as I am used to writing information for other medical professionals. The Karger team also hosted interactions with the patient focus group who provided their advice. I am particularly satisfied with the layout of the booklet and the tear-off pages. This format provides the right information to women in a way that is useful and that they enjoy.Dr. Paula Briggs, Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust, Chair of the British Menopause Society
Reaching HCPs and patients worldwide
Having an opportunity to be a co-author on a book for adults with epilepsy was an exciting way for me and my colleagues to showcase our work and use the epilepsy knowledge we have developed over the years to educate patients and other healthcare professionals, not just locally but throughout the UK and worldwide. I was delighted to be a part of this project.
The editorial process has been extremely pleasurable, and the Karger team was very helpful; they listened to us as to what would be invaluable as content rather than dictating what should be in a book, gave us a specific plan, and supported us with direct feedback.
The book has been well received in countries around the world, translated into different languages and supported by professional organizations. We hope that it will help healthcare professionals in other regions to develop their epilepsy care. Through our collaboration with Karger, even patients and their families will be able to access the information in a language that can be understood by all.Sheila Shepley, PhD, Specialist Epilepsy Nurse Practitioner at the Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
Support Your Patients and Their Supporters
We provide reliable and easy to understand medical knowledge for patients and their supporters. Our books explain a condition, it's diagnosis and appropriate treatment or management strategies. The text and illustrations are concise and accurate, with space for notes and questions that might arise while reading. Healthcare professionals recommend our books to their patients.
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