People and Organization
Learn more about our organization and meet the people working at Karger.
Headquarters (CH)
Karger Publishers
P.O Box, CH-4009 Basel (Switzerland)
Allschwilerstrasse 10, CH-4055 Basel
Karger Publishers
+ 41 61 306 11 11
+ 41 61 306 12 34
Board of Directors

Gabriella Karger
Chairwoman & Publisher
Gabriella Karger is the 4th generation publisher and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors at Karger Publishers, a worldwide publisher of scientific and medical content based in Basel, Switzerland. She is a member of the Management Board. After several years as a member of Program Management of the cultural channel at the Swiss National Radio, she rejoined the company in 2007, where she had previously worked in various departments before becoming Chairwoman of the Board of Directors in 2018.
Gabriella Karger holds an executive Master of Business Administration from the University of Basel, Switzerland. She was a member of the University of Basel Council from 2010-2017. She was born in 1964 and is a Swiss citizen.

Jörg Duschmalé
Jörg Duschmalé has been a member of the Board of Directors at Karger Publishers since 2022. An organic chemist by training, since 2020 he is a member of the Board of Directors of Roche Holding AG, where he is a representative of the founding families. He also serves on the board of the POLG Foundation, which supports research into a rare genetic disorder, and a member of the Board of Directors of Inspiration Lucullus S.A., Basel. Jörg Duschmalé holds a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Basel. He was born in 1984 and is a Swiss citizen.

Daniela Finke
Prof. Dr. med.
Daniela Finke has been a member of the Board of Directors at Karger Publishers since 2018.
She has been a full Professor for Molecular Medicine in Pediatrics at the University Children's Hospital (UKBB) since 2010. She is also a member of the Department of Biomedicine (DBM) executive board of the University of Basel and member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences. Since 1995 she has worked as an academic researcher in basic immunology in Switzerland and since 2003 as a group leader in developmental immunology and lecturer at the Faculties of Natural Sciences and Medicine in Basel. Daniela Finke is also a board member of various foundations with a focus on health and disease and founder of KOSMOS Basel. She holds a doctor’s degree in medicine from the University of Würzburg, Germany. She was born in 1964 and is a German/Swiss citizen.

Shay Karger
Shay Karger has been a member of the Board of Directors at Karger Publishers since 2022. He is researching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, in the field of amyloid-related human diseases. He will finish his master’s degree of Science in “Chemistry and Business Studies” from the University of Zurich soon. He is responsible for business development and network building at AloxX LLC, a chemical start-up in the field of eco-friendly corrosion inhibition. Shay Karger was born in 1995 and is a Swiss citizen.

Guy Rueff
lic. rer. pol.
Guy Rueff has been a member of the Board of Directors at Karger Publishers since 1993. He is active in consulting in the fields of foundations and fitness. Previously, he was a member of the management board of the Banque Paribas Suisse SA in Basel and Geneva, Switzerland. In 2000, he co-founded and chaired the International Asset Management Company Tareno until 2018. From 2008 until 2018 he was president of the Israelite community of Basel, and vice president of the zoological garden of Basel from 2000 to 2012.
Guy Rueff studied economics at the University of Basel. He was born in 1956 and is a Swiss citizen.

Caspar Zellweger
Dr. iur.
Caspar Zellweger has been a member of the Board of Directors at Karger Publishers since 2009. He is a lawyer and partner at a law firm in Basel, Switzerland. He is president of the “voluntary academic society” (Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft (FAG) Basel) whose purpose is to promote scientific education and research in general, and in particular to support the University of Basel and the scientific collections existing in Basel.Caspar Zellweger holds a doctor’s degree in law from the University of Basel. He was born in 1960 and is a Swiss citizen.
Management Board

Gabriella Karger
Chairwoman & Publisher
Gabriella Karger is the 4th generation publisher and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors at Karger Publishers, a worldwide publisher of scientific and medical content based in Basel, Switzerland. She is a member of the Management Board. After several years as a member of Program Management of the cultural channel at the Swiss National Radio, she rejoined the company in 2007, where she had previously worked in various departments before becoming Chairwoman of the Board of Directors in 2018.
Gabriella Karger holds an executive Master of Business Administration from the University of Basel, Switzerland. She was a member of the University of Basel Council from 2010-2017. She was born in 1964 and is a Swiss citizen.

Daniel Ebneter
Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Ebneter is the CEO and a member of the Management Board at Karger Publishers, a worldwide publisher of scientific and medical content based in Basel, Switzerland. He reports to Gabriella Karger who is the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and the 4th generation publisher.
Prior to joining Karger in July 2017, Daniel Ebneter was a member of the executive board of the Hogrefe publishing group. Earlier positions include senior roles in business consultancy and industrial trading as well as teaching at universities. He has extensive professional experience in publishing and digital business.
Daniel Ebneter holds a master's degree in applied physics, mathematics and computer science from the University of Bern, Switzerland, as well as an Executive MBA in integrated management from the Universities of Applied Sciences Bern and Fribourg, Switzerland. He was born in 1970 and is a Swiss citizen.
Management Team

Strategy, Innovation and Ventures
Editorial Development
Education & Learning
Publishing Operations Center
Corporate Communications
Academic & Research Markets
Healthcare Markets
Industry & Society Markets
Chahrazed Poignant
Business Development Manager, Industry and Society Markets, Europe
Regional Office, Distributor & Agent Management
Front Office
Digital Landscape
Corporate Office
Corporate Counsel & Data Protection
Human Resources
Finance & Insights
Product- & Project Management
Buildings & Administration
Karger Freiburg (DE)
S. Karger Verlag für Medizin und Naturwissenschaften GmbH
Schnewlinstraße 12, D–79098 Freiburg
S. Karger Verlag
+49 761 45 20 7-0
+49 761 45 20 7-14
Industry Services & Markets
Oliver Kuchenbuch
Industry Services & Markets Specialist, Digital Advertising
Production Editing
Healthcare Publications
Finance & Accounting
Karger Abingdon (UK)
S. Karger Publishers Ltd.
Merchant House, 5 East St. Helen Street, Abingdon OX14 5EG, United Kingdom
Geoff Covey (General Manager)
+44 1235 523233
Board of Directors
Publication Development
Accounting & Finance
Regional Offices & Representatives
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