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Fast Facts Podcasts
The ultimate medical manual series - as additional audio offer.
About These Podcasts
Since decades the Fast Facts books series addresses knowledge gaps in healthcare enabling a dialogue between healthcare professionals, patients and other stakeholders from the healthcare ecosystem. With our new podcast offering, we want to add the dimension of listening experience to Fast Facts' valuable premium content for you. In various podcast formats, we will regularly provide you with additional content on various topic spectrums on this channel. In the known Fast Facts quality and free of charge listenable via the podcatcher of your choice.
Latest Shows

Fast Facts Oncology
Fast Facts Oncology is a must listen for busy clinicians, allowing them to get quickly up-to-speed on the latest developments from the field.
Fast Facts Nephrology
Fast Facts Nephrology is a must listen for busy clinicians, allowing them to get quickly up-to-speed on the latest developments from the field.Contact Us
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