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E-Journal Backfile Collection


The Karger E-Journal Backfile Collection comprises 76 e-journals titles, from 1998 to 2000, covering substantial clinical and research progress in a broad range of biomedical disciplines.



Karger's world-wide editorial network of leading researchers and scientists as well as a rigorous peer review process guarantee high-quality medical content, thereby ensuring Karger articles remain valuable long-term sources of information for reference purposes.
To ensure high visibility, Karger content is thoroughly indexed in all leading A & I databases. Karger's state-of-the-art online features enable easy access.

Download the E-Journal Backfile Collection leaflet for a complete list of titles:

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Collection Offers

  • The 2023 collection includes backfiles from 1998 up to and including 2020. With each new subscription year the collection content will be expanded by one additional year, and the price adapted.
  • Purchase the complete Karger eJournal Backfile Collection for CHF 28,000 / EUR 25,600 / USD 29,600
  • Attractive flat rates for backfiles of individual titles (see the downloadable Journal Price List for pricing details and availability)
  • All prices excl. VAT and local sales tax. EUR prices for eurozone countries, USD prices for USA and Latin America only.

Your Benefits

  • DRM-free content
  • Unlimited simultaneous access
  • Easy access via IP address or User ID and password
  • COUNTER-compliant statistics
  • KBART records available



Prices apply to academic institutions only – corporate institutions please contact us for a customized quote. For efficient implementation of the online access, customers are requested to fill in our site license. Prepayment is required. It is possible to extend licensed access to additional sites (different physical location) for a surcharge of 10%.



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