Blood and blood-related diseases are at the center of our hematology portfolio.
With two well-respected journals in the field, Karger Publishers covers important areas in hematology with a particular focus on the causes, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of hematological disorders.
Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy is an interdisciplinary Open Access journal for transfusion medicine, hemotherapy, immunohematology, and clinical hemostasis. Subjects include the therapy with blood components and plasma derivatives, transfusion-related questions in transplantation, stem cell manipulation, immuno-hematological investigations as well as legal aspects of the production of blood products.
Acta Haematologica is a clinically-oriented international journal featuring balanced, wide-ranging coverage of current hematology research. It covers topics such as anemia, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, hereditary disorders, blood coagulation, growth factors, and hematopoiesis.
Transfusion Medicine and HemotherapyActa Haematologica