Ophthalmologists will find a variety of highly relevant content in ophthalmology. Our publications address the management of retinal diseases using new imaging methods or case reports in therapy as well as surgical treatment of, for example, ophthalmic cancer.
Be it the “Highly Commended” classic title in surgery Graves' Orbitopathy (2018 BMA Medical Book Awards), the Fast Facts title Fast Facts: Ophthalmology for clinical practice or our Open Access journal Case Reports in Ophthalmology – you will find the relevant content!
Are you thinking about submitting your paper to one of our ophthalmic journals such as Ocular Oncology and Pathology, Ophthalmic Research or Ophthalmologica? Feel free to have a look at which one suits your research best!
Book Series
ESASO Course SeriesDevelopments in Ophthalmology
Kompass OphthalmologieCase Reports in Ophthalmology
Ocular Oncology and Pathology
Ophthalmic Research