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Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Editor: Patel, Mihir R. (Atlanta, GA)

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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 85,
Issue 5,
October 2023

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News & Highlights

Cutting Edge Science and Clinical Advancements

The Journal for ORL was established in 1938 with the goal of bringing to its readership both cutting edge science and clinical advancements within the broad field of Otorhino-laryngology – Head & Neck Surgery.

Since its inception, the 'ORL' has maintained a broad international reach and readership, and our team works diligently to achieve a balance of excellent manuscripts from physicians and scientists around the world.

Our highly accomplished and internationally renowned Associate Editors and Editorial Board assure that only the highest quality basic, translational, and clinical research works make it through our rigorous peer review process.

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