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Pediatric Neurosurgery

Editor: Danielpour, Moise (Los Angeles, CA)

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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 58,
Issue 4,
September 2023

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News & Highlights

Portriat David Frim

Prof. David Frim

It is with deep sadness that we were informed of the passing of Prof. David Frim, past Editor in Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery.

Prof Frim significantly contributed to the field of Neurosurgery, publishing 154 peer-reviewed papers, many of which were landmark manuscripts on intracranial cerebrospinal fluid flow and pressure dynamics. As Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of Chicago, he also trained many residents.

Dr. Frim was known for his warm and caring personality, always going the extra mile for his patients, friends, and colleagues alike. He was also a strong advocate for children’s health and worked tirelessly to improve their care. Our thoughts and condolences go to his family and colleagues.

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The 2023 Volume of Pediatric Neurosurgery is Fully Open Access

The 2023 volume of Pediatric Neurosurgery is fully Open Access, and authors can publish without any charges. Pediatric Neurosurgery is a Subscribe to Open (S2O) journal, aiming to achieve Open Access without cost to authors or readers. Under S2O, if subscriptions are renewed to a certain level, that volume will be made Open Access and articles may be published without Article Processing Charges (APCs). The journal's current status of providing hybrid-subscription-based access or Open Access without APCs will be shown on this home page.

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