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Sex and Gender Disparities in Stroke
Article collection edited by Dr. Cheryl Carcel and Dr. Ana Claúdia de Souza.
The Sex and Gender Disparities in Stroke article collection brings you a selection of the latest and leading research addressing the sex and gender disparities associated with stroke incidence, treatment outcomes, and access to healthcare. This collection collates articles published in our Journals Cerebrovascular Diseases and Cerebrovascular Diseases EXTRA.
Call for Papers – Cerebrovascular Diseases
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Cheryl Carcel; Mark Woodward; Craig S. Anderson; Candice Delcourt; Julie Bernhardt; Seana Gall
Cerebrovasc Dis (2022) 51 (1): 125–130 (DOI:10.1159/000517453) -
Christoph Johannes Griessenauer; David McPherson; Andrea Berger; Ping Cuiper; Nelson Sofoluke; Matthew D. Adams; Saran Kunaprayoon; Ramin Zand; Jiang Li; Vida Abedi; Oded Goren; Clemens M. Schirmer; Kathleen Donahue; Marco Nardin; Anne-Karin Giese; Markus D. Schirmer; Natalia S. Rost; Philipp Hendrix
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 49 (4): 419–426 (DOI:10.1159/000509071) -
Simone Vidale; Michele Romoli; Domenico Consoli; Elio Clemente Agostoni
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 49 (2): 223–232 (DOI:10.1159/000507844) -
Jiangtao Zhang; Fei Han; Xinyu Liang; Mingli Li; Dingding Zhang; Feifei Zhai; Lixin Zhou; Jun Ni; Ming Yao; Shuyang Zhang; Liying Cui; Zhengyu Jin; Yi-cheng Zhu
Cerebrovasc Dis (2020) 49 (5): 522–530 (DOI:10.1159/000508732)
S.D. Shani; Ravi Prasad Varma; Sankara P. Sarma; R.S. Sreelakshmi; Ramachandran Harikrishnan; V. Raman Kutty; P.N. Sylaja
Cerebrovasc Dis Extra (2022) 12 (2): 85–92 (DOI:10.1159/000525716) -
Nicolas Poupore; Camron Edrissi; Mareshah Sowah; Madison Stanley; Jonah Joffe; Donovan Lewis; Taylor Cunningham; Carolyn Breauna Sanders; Krista Knisely; Chase Rathfoot; Thomas I. Nathaniel
Cerebrovasc Dis Extra (2022) 12 (2): 93–101 (DOI:10.1159/000525099) -
Nandini Mitta; Sapna Erat Sreedharan; Sankara P. Sarma; Padmavathy N. Sylaja
Cerebrovasc Dis Extra (2021) 11 (3): 106–111 (DOI:10.1159/000519540)