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Cerebrovascular Diseases

Editor: Anderson, Craig S. (Sydney, NSW)

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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 52,
Issue 5,
October 2023

News & Highlights

Calls for Papers

Advances in the Management of Intracranial Hemorrhage
Submission Deadline: December 20, 2023

Sex and Gender Disparities in Stroke
Submission Deadline: December 15, 2023

Sex and Gender Disparities in Stroke

Article collection edited by Dr. Cheryl Carcel and Dr. Ana Claudia de Souza.

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Ralph L. Sacco (1957–2023)

Ralph L. Sacco

It is with deep sadness that we were informed of the passing of Prof. Ralph L. Sacco, Senior Editor of Cerebrovascular Diseases and Cerebrovascular Diseases EXTRA, who died on January 17, 2023.

He was a stroke expert-leader, epidemiologist, and researcher whose commitment and enthusiasm inspired everyone who had the privilege of working with him. Prof. Sacco will be sorely missed and remembered for his excellence as a scientist, his mentorship and leadership. Our thoughts and condolences go to his family and colleagues.

Reviewer Award 2022

The Best reviewer award for the year 2022 is presented to Professor Bum Joon Kim from the Department of Neurology, Stroke Center, Asan Medical Center, Korea.

Professor Bum Joon Kim

The Best ECR reviewer award for the year 2022 is presented to Dr. Menglu Ouyang from the Neurological Program, The George Institute for Global Health, Australia.

Dr. Menglu Ouyang

Here are the experts that have ensured the quality of articles published in 2022. We are grateful for their ongoing support and invaluable contributions.

Meet the Editor-in-Chief, Craig S. Anderson

New Article Type: Protocols

Protocols provide an outline of planned study methodology and research processes, covering study protocols and statistical analysis plans for proposed and or ongoing randomized controlled trials, population-based studies, clinical outcome studies, and the use of informatics and digital technology in stroke care.

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