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Aims and Scope

Participate in this rapidly developing field of research

The field of neuroimmunomodulation explores the way in which the nervous system interacts with the immune system via neural and hormonal actions and vice versa. Encompassing both basic and clinical research, Neuroimmunomodulation reports on all aspects of these interactions that bridge brain and immune system in bidirectional ways. The journal is also open to psychoneuroimmunology. Basic investigations consider all neural and humoral networks from molecular genetics through cell regulation to integrative systems of the body. Although primarily devoted to research articles, timely reviews on psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune interrelations are published on a regular basis.

Bibliographic Details

Journal Abbreviation: Neuroimmunomodulation
ISSN: 1021-7401 (Print)
e-ISSN: 1423-0216 (Online)
DOI: 10.1159/issn.1021-7401

Open Access

Open Access since 2023


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PubMed | US National Library of Medicine
MEDLINE | US National Library of Medicine
Web of Science | Clarivate Analytics
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Science Citation Index Expanded | Clarivate Analytics
Current Contents - Life Sciences | Clarivate Analytics
BIOSIS Previews | Clarivate Analytics
Google Scholar | Google
Chemical Abstracts Service | American Chemical Society
Scopus | Elsevier
Embase | Elsevier
Pathway Studio | Elsevier
WorldCat | OCLC


Founded 1994 by S.M. McCann and J.M. Lipton

Continued by G.P. Chrousos (2002–2006); W. Savino (2007-2021).
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