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Developmental Neuroscience

Editor: LoTurco, Joseph (Storrs, CT)

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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 45,
Issue 5,
October 2023

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News & Highlights

Calls for Papers

New Insights into the Formation of Neural Circuits
Submission Deadline: December 23, 2023

Role of Microglia in Brain Development
Submission Deadline: December 23, 2023

Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Perinatal Brain Injuries

Highlights from 13th Hershey Conference on Developmental Brain Injury.


The Developing Brain in Health and Disease

A Special Article Collection in Tribute to Verne S. Caviness, Jr., M.D., D. Phil.


The 2023 Volume of Developmental Neuroscience is Fully Open Access

The 2023 volume of Developmental Neuroscience is fully Open Access, and authors can publish without any charges. Pediatric Neurosurgery is a Subscribe to Open (S2O) journal, aiming to achieve Open Access without cost to authors or readers. Under S2O, if subscriptions are renewed to a certain level, that volume will be made Open Access and articles may be published without Article Processing Charges (APCs). The journal's current status of providing hybrid-subscription-based access or Open Access without APCs will be shown on this home page.

Developmental Neuroscience is Member of NPRC

The Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium (NPRC) is an alliance of neuroscience journals that share manuscript reviews with other NPRC members at the author's request. The NPRC system facilitates fast-track review and publication of neuroscience research, and reduces the burden on peer reviewers.

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Reviewer Award 2022

The Best Reviewer Award for the year 2022 is presented to Professor Raul Chavez-Valdez from Johns Hopkins University and Professor Timothy Phoenix from the University of Cincinnati. We are grateful for their ongoing support and invaluable contributions.

Raul Chavez-Valdez Timothy Phoenix

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