Immunology and Allergy
Are you interested in publishing your research on innate immunity the new way? Our Journal of Innate Immunity is a bimonthly Open Access journal covering research on innate immunity, including humoral, cellular, and clinical aspects.
The international forum for high-quality, innovative research in allergy and immunology since 1950 – our journall International Archives of Allergy and Immunology provides an organ for experimental and clinical research in modern molecular and cellular allergology and immunology.
If fundamental and medical virology is your field of expertise, you might want to consider Intervirology Open Access journal for your manuscripts. The journal’s scope encompasses work on the molecular biology of human and animal viruses.
And if you explore the way in which the nervous system interacts with the immune system via neural and hormonal actions and vice versa, our journal Neuroimmunomodulation may be the right forum for you!
Submit your research to the Journal of Innate Immunity, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, Intervirology or Neuroimmunomodulation. Feel free to have a look into which one suits your research best! A team of internationally renowned and committed editors guarantees a fair review process, high scientific quality, and fast dissemination of significant and novel work.
Book Series
Issues in Infectious DiseasesChemical Immunology and Allergy
Kompass AutoimmunJournal of Innate Immunity
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology