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Journal of Innate Immunity

Editors: Greene, C.M. (Dublin)
Reeves, E. (Dublin)

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Current Issue
Volume 15,
Issue 1,
January – December 2023

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New Co-Editors-in-Chief Prof. Catherine Greene and Prof. Emer Reeves

After 13 years in the position, Professor Arne Egesten and Professor Heiko Herwald will step down as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Innate immunity in the beginning of November 2022, we would like to thank Prof. Egesten and Prof. Herwald for their dedication to the journal and their excellent work as co-EiC from the launch until today. Their successors are Prof. Catherine Greene and Prof. Emer Reeves from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Dublin, Ireland. they are acting as the Handling Editors for all submissions since October 1.

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