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Monkeypox in Context

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Are we facing an epidemic of viral emergences? It may well be the case. With the COVID-19 pandemic not yet over, another unexpected viral outbreak has been affecting 29 countries among the EU/EEA area since May 2022 (as of 29 August 2022). The Monkeypox virus is the latest to date to be added to the list of emerging viruses. Karger Publishers decided to create a ‘Free Access’ collection on ‘The history of Monkeypox’, with our previously published articles and a book. The monograph directed by Zdenék Jezek and Frank Fenner, published in 1988, is extremely interesting from many viewpoints, and puts the current outbreak in historical and scientific perspective through its 7 chapters. For younger virologists, it is also interesting on a technical level to understand how powerful results were obtained prior to the wake of PCR and easy access to genome sequencing. Read the entire preface written by Prof. Jean-Claude Manuguerra, Intervirology Editor-in-Chief Rapid mobilisation against an old acquaintance with a new face.




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Cover Human Monkeypox
    Jezek, Z. (Geneva); Fenner, F. (Canberra)
    Human Monkeypox
    ISBN: 978-3-8055-4818-2 / e-ISBN: 978-3-318-04039-5
    (DOI: 10.1159/isbn.978-3-318-04039-5)


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