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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

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Early View

Research Articles October 28 2023
Electronic acute kidney injury alert at the Brandenburg Medical School - implementation and follow-up
Kidney Blood Press Res (2023)
Research Articles October 20 2023
Effects of Aliskiren Monotherapy versus Amlodipine Monotherapy in Hypertensive Patients with Obesity or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Effects of aliskiren for hypertension with obesity or type 2 diabetes
Kidney Blood Press Res (2023)
Research Articles October 7 2023
Blood pressure and Mortality in the 4D Study : Blood pressure and Mortality in the 4D Study
Kidney Blood Press Res (2023)
Research Articles October 4 2023
Proteomics to metabolomics: A new insight into the pathogenesis of hypertensive nephropathy
Kidney Blood Press Res (2023)
Research Articles September 22 2023
Acute kidney injury and rehabilitation outcomes among elderly patients with chronic kidney disease
Kidney Blood Press Res (2023)
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