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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Commentaries September 20 2023
Holobiont Development: Embryology and Ecological Succession
Human Development (2023)
Article September 15 2023
Molecular and Systemic Epigenetic Inheritance: Integrating Development, Genetics, and Evolution
Human Development (2023)
Article August 29 2023
A Genealogy of Gestures: On the Nature and Emergence of Forms of Gestural Communication within Shared Routines
Human Development (2023)
Editorials August 18 2023
Human Development (2023)
Article July 29 2023
Interacting Networks in Social Landscapes: A Devo-Evo Approach to Socialcultural Dynamics
Human Development (2023)
Article June 29 2023
A Resilience Process Model of Parenting in the Context of Poverty
Human Development (2023)
Article June 27 2023
Observed Emotional Availability<bold> (EA) in the Early Months and Adolescence and Self-Reported EA at Any Age: A Narrative Review</bold>
Human Development (2023)
Article June 23 2023
Multisensory Reading in Early Childhood: Systematic Review with Theoretical Guidance for Human Development Studies
Human Development (2023)

Early View

Article November 2 2023
Application of the Enduring Legacy of the Integrative Model to Investigating White Adolescent Ethnic-Racial Identity Development
Human Development (2023)
Article November 2 2023
Development of Primal World Beliefs
Human Development (2023)
Article October 19 2023
A Canary Alive: What Cheating Reveals About Morality and Its Development
Human Development (2023)
Editorials October 9 2023
Introduction to the Special Issue: Development, Evolution and Movements Toward Resynthesis
Human Development (2023)
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