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Journal of Vascular Research

Editor: Isakson, B.E. (Charlottesville, VA)

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Current Issue
Volume 60,
Issue 4,
October 2023

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Transformative Journal

The Journal of Vascular Research Transformative Journal model supports authors and organizations in making a sustainable transition to Open Access, while enabling authors' publishing preferences.

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Portrait of Prof. James S. Bell of Cardiff University, UK

Congratulations to the 2023 JVR/ESM Awardee

Prof. James S. Bell of Cardiff University, UK for the outstanding article Microstructural Characterization of Resistance Artery Remodelling in Diabetes Mellitus, co-authored with Adio A.O., Pitt A., Hayman L., Thorn C.E., Shore A.C., Whatmore J.L., and Winlove C.P. J Vasc Res 2022;59:50–60 (DOI:10.1159/000517856)

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