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Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research

Editor: Almazrou, Saja (Riyadh)

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Current Issue
Volume 2,
Issue 4,
December 2022

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This Is a Partner Publication

Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research is the official journal of the Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health. Karger Publishers provide publishing services to the journal owner the Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health. The journal owners retain the responsibility for the content published in the journal and follow Karger Publisher's Editorial and Peer Review Policies.

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Get to Know our New Editor-in-Chief Saja Almazrou MSc, PhD

Saja Almazrou received her Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a focus on Health Economics and Health Services Evaluation from the University of Nottingham in 2018. She is currently working as an assistant professor in Clinical Pharmacy Department at King Saud University.

Saja has authored and co-authored several peer-reviewed publications and presented her research at national and international conferences. She also supervised several graduation projects.

Her research interests include health economics, pharmacy and evidence-based practices.

What is the Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research?


A journal with impact that drives growth and promotes innovative health systems research in the region and across the globe.


Provide high-quality peer-reviewed, open access publications and knowledge to the healthcare community, policy makers and regulators for effective decision making.

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